Teach a Kid to Fish – Fishing with Children


Teaching a kid to fish is rewarding for you and for the child. Before you teach a kid to fish you should consider what techniques are most helpful in explaining fishing to the youngest anglers. These suggestions are a great resource for learning special methods and activities to teach fishing to kids.

  1. Take your child to an area that is quiet and slow moving or still. This will increase their likelihood of success.
  2. Supply them with kid-sized and friendly fishing gear. Simple gear that is in good working order is best and will help keep kids from getting frustrated.
  3. Help your child hook the bait so that they do not accidentally hook a finger. Live bait will increase chances of catching a fish and is fun for kids.
  4. Have a few tricks up your sleeve so that while you are waiting for a bite your child will not be bored. Singing silly songs, skipping rocks (away from where you are fishing), and looking for critters are all good time fillers.
  5. Have patience. Kids are bound to get muddy and wet while fishing. They may even tangle a few lines.
  6. Bring snacks and drinks. Fun foods that you do not normally eat are always in order when fishing and camping.
  7. Show them the wild-looking and colorful things in the tackle box and explain (in simple terms) how they are used in different situations.
  8. Have fun! Remember this trip is for your child, so allow it to go at his or her speed. Avoid showing frustration even if the fish aren’t biting. Roll up your pant legs, and go back to childhood days.


  • Do not forget to use plenty of sunscreen.
  • Use live bait.
  • Choose a place that is easily accessible and safe.

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